How to build a suitable wear-resistant floor, consider these aspects!


How to build a suitable wear-resistant floor, consider these aspects!

Three steps to success for wear-resistant flooring
1. Choose the most suitable material to formulate accurate and detailed specifications
2. Invite experienced and skilled workers

Failure to ensure these two elements will inevitably lead to a decline in quality requirements, and ultimately reduce the performance and durability of the ground.

warehouse floor 2

1. Choose the most suitable material to formulate accurate and detailed specifications

The correct choice of floor materials can only be made after a detailed understanding of the requirements of the floor. We will refine the ground requirements below to avoid economic losses caused by mistakes or neglect.

Design life:

How long is the life of the factory, 2 or 20 years? The final ground must be selected based on the expected life span or the expected maintenance-free period.

Construction method:

At what stage of the construction process will the ground system be put into construction? Is the main structure of the building in place? Answer these questions to understand how the ground system will be constructed. There are two main construction methods: integral pouring or surface pouring.

Overall pouring:

This method uses a dry sprinkling process to form a whole concrete floor, which is then grinding and polished with a concrete floor grinder. These dry sprinklers can only be used immediately after pouring the concrete floor, and cannot be used on the existing ground.

Surface pouring:

This method is applied to the ready-made ground by scraping or paving. This is a commonly used method, using a concrete floor scarifying machine to roughen or leveling the ground to make the adhesive achieve the best bonding effect. The effect of using epoxy resin binder containing concrete is better and the safety factor is further increased.


For the required floor coating, its thickness must be considered. Especially for existing buildings, increasing the thickness of the ground will cause threshold problems. In new construction, a gap should be reserved for the thickness of the coating.

Structural load:

The static and dynamic loads generated during construction, renovation and maintenance must be considered. On the one hand, the ground system must be able to withstand these requirements, and on the other hand, the base-level carrying capacity should also be taken into consideration. Generally speaking, the minimum design value of the compressive strength of the base layer is 25Mpa.

Traffic and mechanical wear:

The shock and wear caused by traffic must be considered. Wear is usually concentrated in local areas. The frequency, type and location of wear must be considered.

Chemical leakage:

List all the types of chemicals that may leak in the area, pay attention to their concentration, temperature, and the possibility of mixing on the ground. Consider the actions that may be taken when a leak occurs, whether these leaks are cleared immediately or stay for a long time, whether their corrosiveness increases with evaporation, etc.


Is slip resistance an important consideration? The appearance of the ground and the problem of slip resistance can be changed through the troweling process. However, in many occasions, especially in wet places, non-slip footwear is provided for all workers to improve the anti-slip effect.


Many modern industries, such as medicine, cosmetics, food, beverages, chemicals and electronics industries, have high requirements for hygiene. These developing industries require clean indoor conditions. The floor must be free of cracks or sharp corners, completely dust-free, easy to clean, and must meet other industrial requirements, such as resistance to chemical corrosion and mechanical wear.

Anti-cracking ability:

This is related to structural loads, especially dynamic loads. What impact will factory or traffic vibration have on the ground? In some special areas of the building structure, such as the production area of the ground floor and the middle floor. How important is it to prevent cracking?


Thermal shock may be the main reason for the premature failure of the ground. Therefore, not only the temperature generated by the product itself and the production process during mechanical operation, but also the temperature of the adjacent area must be considered. Special attention should be paid to areas near extremely cold or heat sources, such as cold storage or blast furnace areas.

Beautiful colors:

An attractive and pleasant environment helps to increase production efficiency and improve labor relations, although lighting can also work in this regard. Color helps to quickly identify dangerous areas such as truck aisles, wet areas or chemicals Area.

Easy to clean:

For a ground system, if the cleaning agent is not considered in advance, especially those enterprises with high hygiene requirements. In most cases, this cleaning agent will corrode the floor more than the production process.

Therefore, it is very important to formulate cleaning specifications, determine the frequency of cleaning and the cleaning agents used and their concentrations. Careful consideration should be given to using floor varnishes or sealants to facilitate cleaning and improve durability, while maintaining the beauty of the floor.


When considering the ground drainage system, the final ground situation should be considered at the same time. Due to the combination of different building materials, it is especially prone to cracking and leakage.


Many companies are increasingly calling for anti-static ground. The anti-static ground prevents electronic interference from sensitive electronic settings, and also prevents spark discharge and explosion caused by static electricity accumulation. This increases the possibility of static electricity generation on the assembly line where the production speed is increasing and the degree of automation is constantly increasing, and the anti-static requirements are even more important.

Repair and maintenance:

In any production plant, normal ground wear is inevitable. When choosing a ground system, this kind of wear should be allowed. Pay special attention to this when choosing special colors or special surface layers, because future repairs are difficult to keep consistent with the original.


Since collisions cause losses to the ground, the extent and frequency of collisions should be confirmed. Consider the falling height of the object. The final ground should be able to withstand collisions. For areas that cannot meet this requirement, local protective measures, such as the use of steel plates, should be considered.

2. Invite experienced and skilled workers

If you have a limited budget
1. Refer to the practice of industrial sealing and wear-resistant floor on this website
2. Choose the right concrete floor grinding polishing machines , scarifying machine and grinding polishing pad , cutters etc.


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